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flexibility of use
the two main structures of the project are clearly seperated and create a harmonious ensemble through their formal language. their polygonal layouts respond to the urban situation and façade recesses visually divide the buildings and create spacious front areas. the high point is designed in such a way that it can flexibly accommodate different uses over its lifetime - from small office boxes to open-floor offices and residential uses. the lower storeys house small-scale commercial spaces, a café and public areas that create a lively atmosphere.

green courtyard
the hotel in the lower building offers compact guest rooms arranged around a spacious, intensively landscaped inner courtyard. this courtyard creates a high quality of stay for guests and improves the microclimate. the first floor houses public uses such as the foyer, restaurant and café, which connect the hotel with the urban surroundings. the kindergarten on the roof of the hotel offers a sheltered and sunny open space with intensive greenery. the implementation of the “edible city” concept with fruit-bearing shrubs and trees creates an attractive space for children, while the planted areas support rainwater management and promote biodiversity.

climate resilience
the most sustainable building is a structure that can accommodate different uses over its lifetime. flexibility of use is therefore a key aspect of the project. this is made possible by open-use spaces. the statics are reduced to the outer shell and a stiffening core. the construction method follows the principles of circular construction by joining elements in such a way that they can later be dismantled and recycled. the use of CO2-reduced building materials as well as the maximization of the proportion of wood and the use of natural building materials such as pressed straw panels contribute to sustainability.

completed (competition)2024
size26.500 m2
project architect

zsuzsanna takacsy


ala elbizanti

vadim ghiorghiu

pashara gunasekera

marlene melkus

clemens russ

ilinca urziceanu

catherine zesch

structural engineeringwerner sobek
building physicsISRW klapdor
climate engineeringG-adP
MEP planningobkircher plus
sustainabilityforschen planen bauen
fire protectiongruner deutschland
cost estimationhochform
visualizationpatricia bagienski-grandits